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Year 6 Lead Worship

Last week we held our first school worship led by Year 6 for over 18 months. Unfortunately, last year we were not able to do this due to the COVID restrictions although the Year 6 children did an amazing job of leading 'bubble' worships.
It always amazes us just how good our older children are at leading worships - and how well the other children listen to them. Pupil conferencing by the diocese has shown that the children at St Martin's prefer worships led by Year 6 as 'they just talk to us and it's easier to understand.'
The two girls leading the worship showed huge courage, being the first of our current Year 6 children to lead whole school worship. They focussed it on National Maritime Day and I know that everyone in the hall, including me, learned lots from their worship. They really made us think about the importance of the sea and those that work on it. Well done girls!
Mrs Bartlett