Welcome to St Martin's CE (Aided) Primary School. If you would like to know more about our school or arrange a visit to come and see all we have to offer, we'd love to hear from you. Please look at the page for prospective parents and get in contact with the the school office.


Our intent statement sets out our vision our children within this subject and what we aim for them to experience through the curriculum at St Martin's.  It links to our school vision and values.
History is taught in line with the long term map.  Depending on the topic, this may be a weekly lesson, blocked units of work or a mixture of both. Where possible we will try to have an overarching enquiry question for each topic, to motivate children to collect information and draw conclusions.
Please find below our:
History Overview which identifies when each art unit of work is taught.
History Skills Progression which identifies the skills taught to each specific year group.
History Knowledge Progression which identifies the knowledge taught to each specific year group.
Through pupil conferencing and monitoring books, it is evident that pupils at St Martin's school enjoy History and they talk positively about their History learning across the school.
They especially love the  'special days' we do at school.  These days bring History to life, and help embed their knowledge and skills. For example, lower school  loved dressing up as Victorian school child and spending the day learning in a Victorian classroom. Upper school have most recently enjoyed their 'Roman Day' where they baked honey cakes and enjoyed a Roman banquet.
Children attain well in History across the school (outcomes at the end of 2022-2023):
  YR Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6
AT  100%  85%  55%  64%  81%  67% 52%
GD  N/A  15%  35%  21%  13%  24% 43%