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Choir solos

Choir parents:
I have today given out solos in all four of our current musicals songs. Therefore, I am now either your child's favourite EVER teacher, or the worst person in the WHOLE world. That is the cross I bear, unfortunately!
I have done the talk with all children who auditioned, about how it was brave to come and audition, but some people just aren't ready, and how they should practice, and come again to audition another time, as they may be ready soon, but they just aren't ready NOW. Please feel free to echo this message if your child is upset. Believe me, I know how it feels for them!
For anyone with a solo (or a duet), I have told them they need to start practising! There are practise versions of the two Matilda songs on the school website under choir resources already, and I'll put the other two up by the weekend, so that those children can practise too.
We will organise a performance opportunity for towards the end of the summer term!
Mrs Rennison