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Feb Village Collection

Mrs Rennison and I took another group of children out into the local village yesterday to collect items for our charity collection points. As always it was a lovely experience, with our children talking politely and confidently to our neighbours about what we were collecting and why. It always pleases us, just how many of our neighbours collect bits for us and look forward to our visits.
However while we were out and about, we had a bit of a window moment! Most of you will remember our Spirituality launch day and our spiritual moments - mirror moments (about ourselves), door moments (about others), window moments (about the world) and candle moments (about the beyond). The snow drops in the lane opposite us are fully out and, both the children I was with, and me, thought how lovely they looked - which led on to a whole conversation about other places where spring bulbs are beginning to come out and the wonder of spring. I'm not sure my photos does it justice but if you have a spare 5 minutes a walk down the lane is definitely worth it.