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Pupil Voice Groups

I have just announced the outcomes of the elections for School Council, the Stewards of God's Earth Group and the Worship Team in whole school worship.
All of the children who applied for a role did an amazing job of trying to convince their class last week that they were the right person for the job and should be incredibly proud of themselves.
As always, there were some disappointed children but they did a great job of being pleased for those that were successful and congratulating them.
This year our pupil voice groups will be as follows:
School Council
Willow: Seb and Toby
Maple: Phoebe S and Lucie G
Sycamore: Frank and Ada
Silver Birch: Clara and Isai
Stewards of God's Earth Group
Willow: Lucy M and Isabel
Maple: Albie and Avani
Sycamore: George and Theadora
Silver Birch: Francesca H and Jamie
Worship Team
Willow: James B and Sofia HS
Maple: Florence H and Evie
Sycamore: Beck and Isobel
Silver Birch: Amelia and Jonty
Congratulations to all those children who were successful - badges will be awarded in celebration worship on Friday.
Mrs Bartlett