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GO St Martin's Archery Team!

Go St Martin's Archery Team!
Yesterday after school I was lucky enough to take 6 children to a KS2 archery competition at Park House School. Our team were lucky to have a couple of practice sessions with Mrs Hopkinson, who just happened to have a set in her garage! That meant our children were already confident, which was a huge help, plus they'd practiced from far away from the target, with Mrs Hop saying 'up, up' and last night the children were much closer to the targets, so it was me shouting 'down, down'!
We did 7 challenges, ranging from hit any colour for ten points, to points only for hitting the yellow, or even special targets where you have to hit the numbers. On the numbers one, the sports helpers said we were the best team by far!
AND.... we came second! Out of 9 schools. 4th and 3rd got Silver medals, and 2nd and 1st got gold - so we brought home shiny gold medals. WOW!
Huge congratulations to Lucy M, Rufus E, James G, Abi G, Sophia K and Harry F, who I was super proud of for their engagement and determination and, as always, brilliant sportsmanship.
Go St Martin's!
Mrs Rennison