Welcome to St Martin's CE (Aided) Primary School. If you would like to know more about our school or arrange a visit to come and see all we have to offer, we'd love to hear from you. Please look at the page for prospective parents and get in contact with the the school office.

Foodbank Friday

What a wonderful Foodbank Friday collection! Huge amounts of donation, which is wonderful - the Foodbank will be so grateful. If you forgot and meant to take part, please don't worry - we collect for the foodbank the first Friday of every half term, so there will be 5 more opportunities this year, as well as at Harvest time.
We also had a wonderful collection from one family, who decided they would run their own mini collection in their village - the collection in bags and boxes in the second photo, is everything their neighbours collected! Wow - how amazing is that? So much more for the foodbank!
Mrs Rennison