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Choir solo auditions!

Choir parents: I had a lovely 45 minutes listening to many of your children audition for solo parts in 'Sing' (as we have to replace the Y6 children who did the solos last year) - 25 of them turned up to audition! I had children from y6 all the way down to y1 - although I have to say none of the Y1s are ready yet, but how amazing to give it a go - such confident children.
In the audition process, for a couple of children, I forgot to flick from track to words on the screen. I gave the children that this happened to, a chance to have another go at the end of the auditions, but no one took me up on it. However, if your child is upset tonight because I accidentally didn't flick the words back up for them, please get them to come and tell me tomorrow, so that I can give them another go at singing so that no one feels hard-done-by.
Between us as adults, it won't have made any difference - it was clear who is ready to be a soloist and who is not yet ready, and what I need to do now is figure out who is most ready! But I don't want any upset choristers, so please either let me know yourself (I'm on the gate tomorrow) or get your child to nag me.
Thank you.
Mrs Rennison