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London trip

What a day! If you have children in upper school, I have a feeling that you will have probably already heard all about our fantastic day in London today! We thoroughly enjoyed our train trip up to Paddington and then the bus tour of so many exciting tourist attractions including Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the London Eye and the River Thames. We learned loads of amazing facts from our tour guide and had lots of our questions answered.
I have included some pictures below so that you can see all the amazing sites we saw.
As I'm sure you'll understand, taking children on a school trip is always a little stressful. However the behaviour and enthusiasm of the children meant that all the adults had a lovely time and it was definitely worth all the hard work organising it. We had several comments from members of the public on the train and in and around London as well as from the tour guide on the bus - they all said just how polite and respectful our children were.
Finally a huge thank you to all of you for your help with transport today. Every single child was at Newbury train station on time and your patience at the end of the day, while we ensured that every child went with the correct adult was greatly appreciated!