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Foodbank Visit!

Mrs Rennison and I took the school council to the West Berks Foodbank this morning. We had a guided tour by Rosie, which helped the children understand exactly how the foodbank works and what happens to the food we collect every half term. We all learned lots, including the fact that the Foodbank has provided over 10,000 food parcels this year to people living in our local area, that 110 people regularly volunteer to help organise and deliver food parcels and the fact that the volunteers use their own cars to make deliveries, so that those who use the foodbank can remain anonymous.
We also helped the volunteers who were working this morning - we unloaded food that had been donated, weighed the new donations, organised the donations into boxes based on their used by dates and sorted fresh fruit and bread to be delivered to people later today.
As always, our children behaved beautifully, listening carefully to the information shared, asking sensible questions and following instructions to help with the different jobs. We were incredibly proud of them!