Start of the Day
Parents and children can arrive at school from 8:30am. There will be a member of staff supervising the playground from 8:30am, so the older children can wait without an adult. When children are waiting on the playground before the doors are open, we ask that they stand calmly chatting to friends and family, in order to keep all children and adults safe at this busy time.
Cherry Class – Please wait on the Year R outdoor area until 8:40am. At 8:40am the door will be opened and parents/carers are welcome to bring children into class and settle them for the day. Parents/carers are asked to ensure they have left the classroom by 8:45am, so learning can start.
Silver Birch Class – Please wait on the Year R outdoor area until 8:40am. At 8:40am the classroom door will be opened and children come into school. Please ensure your child is in school by 8:45am.
Sycamore, Maple and Willow Classes – Please wait on the main playground until 8:40am. At 8:40am the classroom doors will be opened and children come into school. Please ensure your child is in school by 8:45am.
Break Time
The whole school enjoys a morning break together from 10:40am – 11:00am.
Lunch Time
Lunchtime is from 12:00pm – 1:00pm. The children sit in their house groups to eat lunch, with the older children supporting the younger children where necessary.
End of the Day
School finishes at 3:15pm for all children and we ask that children are met promptly. Please wait on the playground outside the classroom and the classroom adults will send the children out to you when they see you.
We do not allow children to leave the school site without an adult meeting them.