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Residential - Day 1

Apologies for the late post but I have just sat down with a cup of coffee after a full on first day! At the moment all is quiet - I'm not convinced they are all asleep yet but lots of them are! I will go for a wander when I've shared photos with you and encourage the last few to sleep - otherwise we'll never make breakfast!
We've all enjoyed areoball and orienteering this afternoon. It the first time I've done areoball and I have to confess I have a new favourite. You bounce on your own trampoline while trying to score in a hole over someone else's trampoline - lots of fun! We also learned how to orientate a map and then tried to find different markers around the site. All good fun - and not even the rain could dampen our spirits!
Unfortunately we did have one child hurt themselves by falling off the areoball trampoline and hitting his head. Don't panic - if it's your child, you know all about it. The child is absolutely fine and after a quick trip to a and e to be checked over, back at residential, cuddled up in bed. They even kept us some chicken nuggets warm!
We swapped our evening activity today and enjoyed wacky races in the sports hall - mainly because it was inside and we had all only just dried off from the afternoon in the rain!
I'm hoping for a slightly less dramatic day tomorrow - and would love it if it stayed dry.
Mrs Bartlett