Welcome to St Martin's CE (Aided) Primary School. If you would like to know more about our school or arrange a visit to come and see all we have to offer, we'd love to hear from you. Please look at the page for prospective parents and get in contact with the the school office.

Child friendly school vision

Yesterday our art ambassadors launched a competition and your child may have come home with a copy of the child friendly version of our school vision.
Some of you will remember us creating our school vision a few years ago. We collected ideas from parents, staff, governors and children about what is important at St Martin's and then created a vision based on this (it is available on our school website, if you are not aware of it). However this was very much written for adults and was difficult for the children to understand. Therefore the school ambassador have just created a child friendly version for our children:
To feel happy and safe, and become lifelong learners, who know we can make God's world a better place.
We want to display this around school in the same way we do our school prayer, our school values, our school learning skills and our definition of spirituality. Most of these have images associated with them and, rather than just choose images to go with the child friendly version of the vision, the art ambassadors decided that it would be nice for the children themselves to design the images.
If your child wants to take part in the competition they need to decorate the inside of the box with pictures and images that relate to the child friend vision. It is OK if their design goes across the words, so long as we can still read what it say. Spare copies of the vision are available from the school office. All designs must be in school by Friday 10th December.